Regarding Transaction


Hi guys!


About three hours ago, I sold a nintendo switch to someone in person, in which they sent me money through PayPal. The money went straight to my PayPal balance. Afterwards, I bought an online virtual product that costed me $200 exactly. PayPal took the money from my account, but apparently the transaction never went through. The buyer's paypal says "We're taking a closer look at this payment. It's required for some payments and normally takes up to 24 hours. Please don't send until we tell you it's ok." In this case, what should I do?

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Hi jonathanmonser0,


We thank you for bringing this up to us.


You mentioned that the transaction never went through when you try to purchase an item online and there's a message saying " "We're taking a closer look at this payment ... " . Does it mean Pending status?   If the order status is "Pending," your order has been received by the seller, but your payment has not yet been processed. The seller will complete the payment within a few days of receiving the order. For purchases of goods, many sellers will complete the payment when they are ready to ship your purchase. 


We’re also currently reviewing the transaction to ensure that both account are protected ( seller and buyer )

Your payment will be sent to the recipient after your payment source has been verified. 


Hope this helps. Stay safe.



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