US company won't accept Canadian PayPal account


I'm trying to buy an item from a US business.  They accept PayPal, I'm shipping to a US address, and they're charging me in US funds.  But their website won't let me pay using PayPal because it's a Canadian PayPal account.  I reached out to the business, and they confirmed the same again.  I also can't buy the product online with a Canadian credit card, but they did confirm that if I was in their store I could purchase the product in person with my Canadian credit card!  Is there a work around from the PayPal end?

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Maybe seller blocked payments from non-US PayPal accounts in their PayPal account settings > payment preferences

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Yes Sharpie, it seems that might be the case.  It doesn't make sense to me as they are receiving the same money, and shipping to a US address.  What I'm wondering is whether there is a workaround.  The item is unique to this store chain, and I can't go to the US to purchase it 🙂

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Esteemed Advisor



The only way is to ask if they are blocking non-US PayPal accounts in their PayPal account. PayPal doesn't let you add a non-Canadian shipping address to your Canadian PayPal account so it has to be done through the merchant's PayPal checkout process which passes the shipping address to the payment and then it is added to your PayPal account depending on how they have PayPal integrated into their shopping cart/checkout.

Kudos & Solved are greatly appreciated. 🙂
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