Add PayPal Credit to a 2nd account

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I need to link my PayPal Credit account to a different PayPal account. My PayPal credit account currently is linked to a PayPal account that I no longer use and has been closed. (this was a business account). I have a personal PayPal account and I need my PayPal credit account linked to that account but nothing is working.

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Hello @LovingShasta


Welcome! Thank you for visiting PayPal's Community Forum! I'm sorry to hear there's been a bit of concern regarding your PayPal Credit account. I would recommend reaching out to PayPal Credit's Customer Support for assistance. They should be able to provide you the proper guidance on whether you need to apply for a new PayPal Credit line or if they can help you attach it to your new PayPal account. 


Best wishes!


 - Jon K

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