How can my clients get an automated PayPal invoice when they buy my course on Kajabi?


I have started using Kajabi to sell an online course using PayPal. What do I need to do so that my clients receive an automated invoice from PayPal when they buy my course? My first client bought the course, but I cannot find any invoice on PayPal. Thanks in advance!

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Hello @MimyC,

Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!

I understand that you would want to send automated invoice while making purchases for the payment. You can certainly schedule recurring invoices, payment reminders and past-due notices automatically. Here's the Help Center Article to know more information. However, the option to send an invoice automatically is not available. You can create an Automatic Billing button. With Automatic Billing buttons, buyers agree to pay you automatically when you bill them. When they sign up for automatic billing on your website, the buyers select a maximum limit that they will allow you to charge them. Please check this link to know more information. 


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Thank you Ayesha. Do my clients receive a receipt via email at least?

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Hello @MimyC

Thanks for reaching back out to inquire about receipts! 

PayPal automatically sends all customers email receipts once a payment has been made. This includes any payments made through invoices or automatic payments. 

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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