Unable to send invoice

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I can't send an invoice! After creating one and pressing the send tab, a message appears on the screen as follows: Sorry, we couldn't create your invoice. Please contact our customer service team for any queries. Can anyone help with this, please?

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I had the same problem today, I don't know how to solve it. Please anyone know help me?
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Hello Everyone,


Welcome and thank your for posting your concern.

@Hawraz94 We are sorry to hear that you are facing issue in sending the Invoice. Kindly reach out to our customer support team to know what can be done next or to get an understanding of the possible solution to the issue raised. Please reach out to the Support Team during business hours by clicking the Contact option at the bottom of PayPal page. If your unable to login into your PayPal account do reach us via phone and kindly select "Call us as Guest". 

Hope this information is helpful for your!

Warm Regards,

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Hello @PhillipMartin, @TNSuperman81 and @WitchyLuna34,


Welcome to our community help forum and thanks for posting!


Sorry to hear that you're not able to send invoice . Currently there is a known issue with the invoices and our team is already working on it. I would suggest you to reach out to our support team to get your information added to any open tickets to aid our technicians in researching and resolving this issue. You can reach out to our team through the available contact options at the bottom of PayPal page. Support is also available through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.


I hope this information helps,


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I'm having this very issue and it's September... Did they not fix this issue???

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Hello @howievermont @Tfoye86 @Me_n_Mine_Pro and everyone,


Welcome to the PayPal Help Community!


I am sorry to hear about the issues you're having with PayPal invoicing. It's possible that the issues with invoice is an ongoing issue. I recommend you to contact the PayPal service team to get your issues noted towards any existing ticket to get this resolved. You can check this page for the available contact options to reach the team.


Best wishes,


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New Community Member

I am having this problem NOW!!!!  I thought it was fixed...

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Still seems to be an active issue...

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Hello @Fitsentive

Welcome to the PayPal Community Forum!

I'm sorry to hear you're unable to send an invoice. If you're using a web browser, please try clearing your cache and cookies, or on the PayPal Business App, you'll want to clear the App's cache in your phone's app settings. If that doesn't work, please try a different browser or even swap between the PayPal Business App and a browser to see if you're able to send the invoice. However, if the issue persists, you'll want to reach out to Customer Support through one of these options. They may need to file a ticket through our technical support teams. 

I hope you can create and send an invoice soon! 

- Meghan

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Is anyone else having an issue with sending invoices? When I send an invoice, I get an error that says "we could not send this invoice. Try again later."

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