how to check why my account can't use advanced checkout?


We want to integrate PayPal `Advanced Checkout` into our application. We have a good try and test in sandbox mode and want to go live with it.

But we encountered a series of problems related to how to enable `Advanced Checkout` in our business account.

At the moment, we acknowledge that:

"To save credit and debit cards, you must be approved to process Advanced credit and debit card payments"

which is provided here: 


So our use case is that we need a payment platform that allows us to charge user subscription fees after an interval time.

In order to do that with Paypal, we need to save the card and get the token, and to save the card, our account need to an approval and we can't quite find clear, self-explain documents related to it.

Of course, we did manage to find out the document of What is PayPal Advanced Checkout and how do I get started? . But it all about create a business account, after done it we still can't find the option to enable advance checkout in live app


Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 14.46.00.png


image 1: features setting in "live mode" account without option "Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments"



Our question is:

- how to know why our account not allow to use "Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments" in production mode?

is it because our account is not in the supported region list? if so, how to setup and verify that account in supported region?

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