How to add trail billing cycle ?


I have created a plan with a billing cycle of 

sequence: 1,
total_cycles: 0,
frequency: {
interval_count: 1,
interval_unit: 'YEAR'
pricing_scheme: {
fixed_price: {
value: 100,
currency_code: 'USD'

but for some customers i want to add a trial period to this plan 
so using the create subscription api was changing the billing cycle to 
tenure_type: 'TRIAL',
sequence: 1,
total_cycles: 1,
frequency: {
interval_count: 1,
interval_unit: 'MONTH'
pricing_scheme: {
fixed_price: {
value: 0,
currency_code: 'USD'
tenure_type: 'REGULAR',
sequence: 2,
total_cycles: 0,
frequency: {
interval_count: 1,
interval_unit: 'YEAR'
pricing_scheme: {
fixed_price: {
value: 100,
currency_code: 'USD'

but it throws an error 

"message": "The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation.",
"debug_id": "#id",
"details": [
"field": "/plan/billing_cycles/1/sequence",
"value": "2",
"location": "body",
"description": "The provided billing cycle sequence is not available."
"links": [
"rel": "information_link",
"method": "GET"

i am not able to understand what is that i am doing wrong here 
please help
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