Issue with Empty store_info in Response Using /v1/reporting/transactions on Sandbox API


Hello PayPal Community,

I am encountering an issue while working with the Sandbox API, specifically when querying the /v1/reporting/transactions route. Despite specifying the store_info keyword in the fields query parameter, the responses consistently return an empty store_info value. Here are the details of my setup and what I've tried so far:

  • API Route: /v1/reporting/transactions
  • Query Parameter Added: fields=store_info
  • Accounts Used: 3 sandbox accounts (1 personal, 2 business)
  • Transactions: I am using the personal and one business account to send donations to the other business account.
  • Testing Account: The responses are being checked using the business account that receives these donations.

Issue Description: Regardless of whether the transaction involves a personal or a business account, the store_info field in the API response is empty. This is puzzling because I need to distinguish between personal users and business users, and also identify business users that belong to or are associated with the same store.


  1. Why might the store_info field be returning empty in my scenario?
  2. Is there a specific setup or additional parameters I should be using to get this information?
  3. If this is an unsolvable issue in the sandbox environment, are there any known workarounds I could implement to differentiate personal from business users and identify linked business users?

I appreciate any guidance or suggestions you can offer to help resolve this issue.

Thank you!

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