Is Paypal actually reviewing my claim?


Hi there,


I opened a dispute on the 18th for an item that I didn't receive. The item was purchased on November 14th, from China. The seller said the delivery deadline was January 13th. Since I didn't get the item, and after checking with the local post that they didn't have it, I asked them for a full refund. They offered to make a refund in USD, even though I paid in GBP (and the order details on their website is also in GBP).


I told them it was better then if I raised a dispute with Paypal, so that it can be solved through them.


The claim was opened on January 18th, but I haven't received any communication from Paypal about it. 


The seller told me they would refund me if I close the claim, which I refuse to do as if I do I would be unprotected.


I read about the 20 days waiting period before the claim gets closed automatically. Does it apply to my dispute? I can't see any button that says to raise the claim or something like that, just to close it or change the reason.


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Esteemed Advisor



If you opened a dispute for non receipt of item which i presume you did?

Then there should be an option to escalate the dispute to a claim for paypal to sort for you.

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I did open the dispute for non-receipt of item.

On the top part of the claim page it says I'm at this stage:

Being reviewed by Paypal


There's no option to escalate. I don't know if it's correct to assume that it has been automatically escalated because of the amount of time that's passed and I haven't received the item?





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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor


No, you have to escalate it or it will 'time out' 20 days after you opened it.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Then I have no idea how to do this since there's no button.


I'll have to email Paypal.

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I sent Paypal an email asking what do I need to do to escalate my claim. They replied the following:


We're currently reviewing your case and will contact you if we need more information. Thanks for your patience and cooperation.

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