Transaction download to Quicken contains errors in transactions


Summary: This is specific to my PayPal World Mastercard credit card account. When I download transactions via Quicken (using Express Web Connect), pending transactions are downloaded as cleared transactions. These are downloaded automatically via the Quicken app running on my PC, which uses the EWC services that are provided by Intuit. I contacted Quicken support, and ultimately they said they can't help - that this is a PayPal issue. This issue has been happening since the PayPal website was updated a few months ago.


Two issues, and it appears that both are related to the "Pending Transactions" that are shown when I log in to the PayPal website:


1. Authorizations by merchants are downloaded as cleared transactions. This can happen when a merchant sends a test authorization for a small amount, just to make sure the account is valid; I'll see downloaded transactions from merchants that I know for nonsense values like $0.01 - $1.00. Or a sit-down restaurant will submit an authorization for my dining bill, but the actual charge (which will post to the account a few days later) will be higher because it includes a tip. The actual charge is never downloaded.


2. Authorizations for charges are downloaded as payments, instead of charges. This seems to happen consistently with my local gas station. Once the transaction fully posts to my account as a completed transaction, Quicken never downloads the charge.


As I wrote above, I reached out to Quicken to try to get this resolved - and why they can see the problem (and the data in the transaction logs clearly shows these erroneous transactions), they say that the problem must be fixed by PayPal.


How can I get this on PayPal's radar so that this can get fixed?

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