PayPalWebPayments - Shipping Address Change

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How should I change shipping options when a shipping address selection is changed when using PayPalWebPayments?
I'm developing a native iOS app. I have a requirement where the shipping options should change depending on the shipping country, when selected in the PayPal checkout. This is possible with the web elements in the current web SDK has this feature but is described as deprecated for new apps. should be used instead for new apps. The PayPalNativePayments package in this SDK has the feature, but in the integration documentation (, it says that PayPalNativePayments is now deprecated and that I should use PayPalWebPayments instead.

As far as I can see, the only fully supported SDK, PayPalWebPayments, does not have this feature. Is it recommended that I should use the deprecated PayPalNativePayments or the older derecated Checkout SDK instead?
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