How do I resolve a PayPal Instant Payment Notification warning?


Hi, I received the below message from Paypal. I have already connected and activate Paypal in my WP woocommerce setting of payment. I still got this email, what should I do next? Thank you very much for the help!


Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) failed:

If you don't recognise this URL, you may be using a service provider that is using IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider with the above information. If this problem continues, IPNs may be disabled for your account.

Thank you for helping resolve this issue.

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Good day @JimmyTang123 


Thank you for posting to the PayPal community.


PayPal system will send the IPN response logs to the specific IPN endpoint URL which merchant passed in their website API request call.


If your(merchant) IPN listener server fails to return HTTP 200 OK response to PayPal POST, system will retry sending the IPN details for 15 times by auto alerting the merchant via email. This is the reason why you received the IPN warning email alert.


Please refer the detailed guide link to resolve the issue -


If you notice many Failed or Retrying entries, it is likely that the reason behind the delay in IPN failure to send HTTP 200 OK responses. To resolve this issue, you should review your server logs to identify why the required HTTP 200 OK responses are not being sent and fix your listener accordingly. Once your listener starts sending the required HTTP 200 OK responses, PayPal will post IPNs from the faster-cycling server.


If your still facing issues, please create an MTS ticket via -  with the detailed information and error details.




PayPal MTS


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I also get this same email how to resolve this.

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