A fraudulent online store received my money via Paypal. Any ideas to get the money back?



Today I ordered one pair of shoes using the website itdshop.com and I have being scammed.
I clicked on the "checkout" button and filled up all my information name, address. Looked at the price 99$ and shipping cost still 0$, "strange" I thought,  "I am outside of USA and the website does not give any warning messages or update the shipping costs? Is this legit?" I was uncertain, but went ahead anyway. And used as payment method Paypal using my VISA Debit Card. The paypal page opened and the money was transferred from my paypal account to a certain "MICHAEL B****". Usually after the transaction is done, the customer is brought automatically back to the merchant website to get a confirmation of the payment, but no, in this case after the successful transfer of money there was no mail confirmation of purchase from the merchant, no receipts. I tried to contact the merchant using the mail specified in their "Contact us" page (www.itdshop.com/info) no reply. No answers. So my doubt was growing. By googling "itdshop is this a scam" results like ad-scams.com/itdshop-com do not seem encouraging. I should have googled before...  Do you know if there are any tools to revert that transaction?


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Chinese Web Sites or on Social Media ads easy to spot (once you know the below signs) so buyer beware.

Paypal would not be able to check every individual seller / merchant / company in over 200 countries worldwide that adds paypal to their website to accept payments.

So they give some buyer and some seller protection. However that protection can never be a 100% coverall so you need to read it so you can risk assess your transactions.

They do stop bad companies from using Paypal when enough claims start rolling in.
However as they are in China (mostly) then its easy for them to just start over with a new name, so stopping them does not really do anything.

Paypal also state that you can only open x1 dispute per transaction.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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I don't know how, maybe by messaging with you community members we have called the right Angels, and well right few minutes ago I received this good news from paypal: 


Case update

Thanks for contacting us about your case. Based on the information we received we are changing the reason for filing this case.You submitted your claim because you did not receive your merchandise.

We will continue to investigate your case and we'll let you know if we need any further information.

Notice of debit

We'll be recovering the provisional credit of that we issued previously for your transaction(s). This debit will occur immediately from your PayPal balance.


Case closed in your favor

We reviewed the case you filed on 31 December 2021 and have decided in your favor.

We've issued a refund of $99,00 USD to you. It may take up to 5 days for this refund to be reflected on your PayPal account or bank. If you paid using a credit or debit card, the money will be refunded to your card. Depending on your card issuer, it can take up to 30 days for the refund to appear on your card statement.


Thank you for all your help. 


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Congratulations, I’m happy we all could help!
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Hello I had this same situation happen, The only difference is that I did the pay in 4. The first payment was taken out. But I cant seem to get through to someone . How did you get through to tell them You hit the wrong button.

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Hi @Pammy621,


I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble contacting our Customer Support team to update your dispute. If you're unable to reach an agent using the support option on our website, I recommend sending us a private message on Facebook or a direct message on Twitter.

I hope this is resolved for you quickly!

- Marina

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Yay. Update. Paypal has put an investigation into this company.
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Kernowlass, you say that they stop people when they get enough complaints but what happens to the people like me that have their case denied because the person never sent an invoice. This person changed the amount of items I ordered from one to nine, costing me almost $90.00 instead of $10.00. I never got an invoice and the only way I knew I was overcharged was the Paypal notice that comes to tell you that you have been charged and the money has been taken from your bank account. I sent Paypal everything had to prove my case and they denied it. These sites are very clever and cover their butts so they can continue to rip people off, they change the name of the "business" and other things so they can continue to prey on honest people. I had the utmost confidence in Paypal to do the right thing, I have always trusted them and used them instead of my credit cards but they let me down! Why would a person order 9 (89.00) of these balls for one child, I am not rich and I live on a moderate income and I do not spend money foolishly. My credit score is in the 800's so that should tell someone that I pay my bills and dont falsely claim that someone changed an amount if I indeed ordered that amount. I am so disappointed in Paypal that I have started using my credit cards instead.

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I got scammed too thru Facebook Ad. First thing I did was to file a dispute, no order confirmation, send seller a note (not likely they will respond). Call Paypal,[Removed. Phone #s not permitted]customer support. Yeah I know you would be talking to a machine going thru menus. just keep saying "operator" till they switch you to a live person, very likely he/she is in India. Escalate the dispute to a claim right away. At least when they see no respond from seller after your message, they will rule in your favor after 10 days, and at the same time they could at least red flag this seller and funds being held. 


I'm still waiting for the outcome and wish me luck.

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I am totally blown away by my claim getting denied like it was. I am assuming that the seller gave Paypal a false invoice because I never got one and was never shown one by Paypal that I can remember. I filed a dispute within a half hour after I got the notice from Paypal and found out that my bank was charged, I also immediately emailed the seller that there was a mistake. This seller contacted me the same day with notice that the items were shipped so I contacted Paypal again to tell them I did not order 9 items! I never got an invoice and because I couldn't provide one, they denied my case although I sent them all of the emails telling this company they overcharged me! There was nothing more I could have done and to this day the items never got delivered and that was in Oct. I have lost confidence in Paypal that they will protect me, and I have really learned my lesson about FB ads, but I am out almost $80.00 and that isn't small change to me on a fixed income.

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New Community Member

yea the same thing happened to me i chose the wrong option. i never said there was any fraudulent activity i just wanted my money back from getting scammed. I really think thats **bleep** that paypal won't let you open another dispute if you don't receive your items, and why would paypal let a scammer use them as a payment option anyway. they should investigate these sites a little better i think.  

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