Appalled at the way my case was handled


I opened a case with Paypal as the item I received was Significantly Not as Described. Paypal, and the seller agreed, to refund me if I sent the item back, confirming that they both believed that the item was Significantly Not as Described. This would not have been a problem, but the shipping fee was paid for in a different transaction, (also through Paypal). Before I sent it back, I wanted a refund on my shipping fee, it is written in the User Agreement that:
"If you lose a claim under PayPal's Buyer Protection Policy in any country:

  • You must forfeit the full purchase price of the item plus the original shipping cost."

As the seller and paypal both agreed beforehand to refund my item, one would assume that they had lost a claim under Paypal's Buyer Protection Policy. My shipping fee did not get refunded, and instead, my case was closed, with the message of,
"The case was closed in the seller's favour because the proof of return you provided was invalid."

This claim took three weeks to come to this 'resolution' and I am absolutely appalled that the Paypal team did not take any action in reading any of my additional information. Will definitely communicate this case to team members again.

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Sorry but why did you not send the item back with tracking so that you got your refund?

No seller will refund until they get their item back.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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"If you lose a claim under PayPal's Buyer Protection Policy in any country:

  • You must forfeit the full purchase price of the item plus the original shipping cost."

The seller, nor Paypal, had agreed at the time to refund the shipping fee of the item I purchased, as this was in a separate transaction, as stated.

I have now since contacted support who have stated I will receive both transactions and free return shipping through Refunded Return

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Esteemed Advisor



Yes, same with every country, you return the item and get back what you paid the seller....the payment you sent for the item + postage to send it to you.

Then if you have activated the 'return shipping on us' link you make a claim for help with the return shipping costs as per link for your country.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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What do you think of this? I am now even more appalled than I was beforehand. 

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Sorry don't click on non paypal links on here.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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It is a link to an image, sent through discord. Sadly I am unable to attach files.

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