My account was frozen pending information... 2 days later and 1 day late and no resolution

New Community Member

I have had this account for some years and have not used it until the other day when I got a payment from Saatchi Art, who themselves needed tax info from me that was completed successfully and promptly on their part.


Then pay the money over to PayPal, and I get a message that there has been suspicious activity on my account, so I needed to send my passport photo which I did 2 days ago. They state that:


"We’re reviewing your information and will get back to you regarding the status of Ref ID: PP-L- within 1 days"


PayPay has no right or reason to do this to me in the first place, but 2 days later and they have not checked what I sent them. Then try to speak to a person, and I am blocked from the resolution center, so this is the only forum they will allow me.


I am a struggling artist from South Africa, and this money was needed yesterday, and it's a matter of $50 which is nothing to them, but I need this resolved now! This is abusive what they are doing, and they are not sticking to their own policies.


Does anyone know how I can get this matter attended to by a human?


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