refund being blocked by paypal management


I bought an item from Ebay which was delivered as if it had been run over by a truck. the box and contents were trashed. I started a refund request thru Paypal and was sent a delivery label which I used to return the goods, keeping the posting receipt as proof. For the next few weeks I got regular reminders to use the label to return the goods and as I had used it I waited on my refund. I then recieved a message telling me that my claim had been rejected and that there was no appeal allowed (why?). Not willing to accept this I eventually spoke to a Customer Service rep, explained the situation and at his request sent of pictures of the label and receipt of posting. He informed me that the label provided had been supplied by the seller but that Paypal were looking for one of their own supply and that as he could see I had sent the item back, he would put in a manual request for refund. Nothing happened so I tried again and after repeating the process another CS rep again agreed with me and said he would raise another request but he also informed me that these could be overturned by management at their own discretion. Needless to say I am still waiting. Does anyone have any contact details where I can escalate this? It is not the value of the item but the principle of the thing. A principle which Paypal seem not to have.  

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Hello @Queechie


Welcome to the PayPal Community! I'm sorry to hear you've been running into some issues with a recent claim. I'd be concerned as well if I returned something but haven't received a refund. If you still have the tracking number showing the item has been returned to the merchant, I'd recommend reaching out to our Support Teams via Twitter DM or Facebook PM for assistance. They're normally able to forward your information over to the proper teams for review and consideration. 


Good luck with your case!


- Jon K

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Thanks for replying Jon. I don't actually use any social media groups so cannot use the Support Teams you suggested. However, I have to say that I used the online message setup to speak to two of Paypals Customer Service reps who were very helpful and after seeing my Proof of Posting agreed to raise a manual refund. It's what happened prior to and after this that annoys me.

Prior to the claim being refused with no appeal, I only got reminders to post the package back within a certain period, nothing else. I had done so, so I waited for my refund.  It was only after being rejected and contacting CS that it became apparent that Paypal were trying to track a label (supplied by the seller) which had no tracking facility on it. When I sent a scan of my receipt the CS guys were happy to raise the manual refund.

However, after this agreement nothing was forthcoming and this prompted me to contact CS for a second time and I got the same positive response but I was told that a manual request could be simply overturned by 'management' and this is what seems to have happened for a 2nd time. No reasons, no contact, no opportunity to discuss just like the original claim. I would like to know why? 

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Hello @Queechie


Thank you for your reply! If an item is shipped back to the merchant which does not have a tracking number confirming delivery, normally that would mean our Support Teams would not be able confirm the item has been returned to the merchant. And if they are unable to confirm the item has been returned to the merchant, normally the case would not be able to be decided in the buyer's favor. 


In those situations, the option to appeal a case's decision would normally not be available since there would be no new information to provide. If that's the case here, the only other option I can recommend would be to trying to reach out to the merchant to work out a refund.


My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause,


 - Jon K

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