Account has been limited


What can I do?
I have been a long time user of Paypal, used to use it daily for my bvusiness, but changed to an occasional users,
Recently logged in to make a payment, but would not accept my password which I knew was correct, 
so went through all the new password stuff and found my account had a hold on it and could not make payments, which was fairly annoying as the payemnt I needed to make was quite urgent!
finally got hold of help in chat, looks like someone had gained access, changed my password and loaded new cards on my account, then done a few transactions, 
I was a bit shocked at this as I hadnt had any notification of a passwrd change, that new cards had been added, or transactions had been made. 
Which all seems pretty slack for a financial services company!
I got my account turned on again and made the payment. 
Now Paypal have emailed the seller that I have been buying from for years that the payment is dodgy, and will be reversed, 
and Paypal have banned me from having a paypal account!
all for something that was their slack security!
I have tried getting in touch with the help via chat, but nobody is available, and all my previous conversations resolving the issue last week are now gone.
So not sure what to do now

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