

He doing fraud. He doing fraud fraud on my account and took my money.

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Hello @Travisshelton

Welcome to the PayPal Community! 

I'm sorry to hear about the fraudulent activity that has occurred; I know how scary that can be. If someone else has logged into your PayPal account without your permission to make a transaction, you can file an unauthorized dispute on those transactions using these steps on our Help Center. Before submitting the case, please reset your password and security questions. I also recommend setting up 2-Step Verification to add another layer of security to your PayPal account. 

We also offer Purchase Protection in a few other scenarios for Goods & Services payments. The two most common are when you purchase an item but never receive it, or you receive an item that is significantly different from what was described. If you need to file one of these types of disputes, you'll want to visit this Help Center article.

I hope this helps!

- Meghan

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