Fraudulent charges

New Community Member
On April 11, i received an email from that $652 of items had been bought from my paypal account. I did my due diligence. I immediately contacted my bank,, and paypal to alert them to an obvious breach to my security. Fast forward several months to now july— i get a letter from my bank saying they have denied my dispute. The information provided to my bank was that: the billing address was the same (of course it was— paypal stores this information) and that I had used the account before without dispute (of course i had— its my paypal account). They neglected to provide my bank with any information about my reports nor did they discuss that walmart had refunded what they could based on the fact that it had not shipped. Is it just me or does this feel super shady. I provided my bank with screenshots of the communication with paypal. We will see how that goes. When i contacted paypal again about it, they were dismissive and elusive of information. I asked for the address the items were shipped and they said “i provided this already to your bank” (this information was not in my paperwork). I said i had a right to know where and they said “it is the banks discretion.” It feels so shady.
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