I am having to pay fees on dozens of fraudelent payments

New Community Member

I got over 150 sales in 3 days. all for the same amount for a product that is not even at the price that is pd. Each order shows no customer information but name. Each name is different but are clearly fake. Ex. Twqde Gtqz or Bnmyu Hpyk I have called paypal 4x, asked for supervisors etc and still a problem not resolved. These unauthorized payments that are then getting disputed and I have to pay fees. The first agent said they understood and would fix it but only a few were reversed! the next one was so confused I asked for supervisor and noone called back. 3rd call kept telling me that I can't dispute a transaction unless I am a buyer. 4th one tells me since it is a business account I have to refund each one and pay the fee!  Paypal is making money from me off all these fees for fake orders. please help. please anyone? who to call, this is insane!

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