Is a PayPal invoice safe for concert ticket sellers and buyers?

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I want to sell some concert tickets I recently bought. Do I need to specifically add anything to the Terms and Conditions to ensure security for both of us? What if I send the buyer the pdf of the tickets but then the buyer lies and says they didn't receive them? 


Also note that I paid for the tickets already but the actual tickets are only being emailed to me 3 days before the event, which is nearly a year from now (I bought them off of the Roy Thomson Hall venue website and not Ticketmaster). If I were to sell them now, I would only be able to email the tickets to the buyer in a year. Is that fine?

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor


That depends on many factors all listed in Paypals seller protection policy for you to read so you can risk assess your transactions.
Legal (bottom right of Paypals pages) > user agreement > seller protection.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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