My system was hacked and money was "gifted" from my account to another account


Hello, I hope you are well when you read this message.
Unfortunately, on 08/29/2024, the amount of $233 + $4.99 gift fee was transferred from my account to another account.
After checking and talking to my family, I found out that my system was hacked and the transfer was illegal.
I immediately created a dispute (PP-R-ODC-540038305), but PayPal closed the dispute in favor of the recipient of the money and attached the following reason.

"Thank you for reporting this case. After our review, we found that certain transactions weren't unauthorized and hence couldn't be covered by PayPal Purchase Protection."

With all due respect to PayPal supporters, but isn't your response funny?

But PayPal did not pay attention to my message that my system was hacked and the transfer was made from my system!

If the senior manager or supporter sees my request, please solve my problem. (PP-R-ODC-540038305)
Please help me in this regard.


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They did know you were hacked or they would not have said this............


we found that certain transactions weren't unauthorized


However ...

PayPal is only able to approve an unauthorized dispute when it is clear someone else logged into your PayPal account.

If someone accessed your device using a virus or malware then the logins would look like you made them.

If you can run a virus and malware scan it would resecure your device.

Then save a report of the scan and provide it to PayPal's Customer Support. They may be able to reopen your unauthorized dispute with that information.

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Thank you for your reply. But what is clear is that this transaction was not done by me, I don't use antivirus on my system, I also tried to contact paypal but failed, paypal should limit the person in question and from him Ask about this transaction, not to close the case in favor of it!
In general, PayPal should investigate this transaction, I do not know this person at all! Isn't it better for PayPal to investigate my problem instead of closing the case without checking and making it easier for itself?
I was really surprised that theft is so easy in PayPal and even more strange that he closed the case in favor of that thief!

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If you don't use an antivirus and your computer was hacked then that is your responsibility and not paypals.

You are responsible for the security you have on your devices where you access your paypal account.

I can't believe anyone would use a computer without an antivirus?


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Using an antivirus is up to me and I am responsible for using it.
I have not blamed PayPal for my hacking!
I am saying that I was hacked and I want this money to be refunded!
Why do you judge unilaterally? Read the messages you wrote again!

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Re-read this.....


PayPal is only able to approve an unauthorized dispute when it is clear someone else logged into your PayPal account.

If someone accessed your device using a virus or malware then the logins would look like you made them.

If you can run a virus and malware scan it would resecure your device.

Then save a report of the scan and provide it to PayPal's Customer Support. They may be able to reopen your unauthorized dispute with that information.


If you can't or don't want to do it then no problem, doesn't bother me.

Bye then.

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I think you are just an answerer. The answers that all people know in general. Please don't reply when you can't help, I don't need generic answers as I'm not an illiterate person! I'm waiting for the PayPal support team to see the thread.



I just received an email that my PayPal password has been changed!

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I have given you the facts and also quotes from paypals legal user agreement and from a Paypal moderator.

So if you don't believe me, or a moderator or paypals legal agreement then good luck with sorting your issue.

Good luck also waiting for Paypals support team to see this thread, fear you will be in for a long wait.

Advice is voluntary.
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