Paypal wrongly tell my citizen identification document below age 18

Paypal wrongly tell my citizen identification document is below 18 year old , but my id card tell exactly that i born in 1997 and now they limited my account forever what ?? Can anyone help me here
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



I think the point may be were you 18 when you opened your paypal account?

If not then it would not matter what age you are now as it would always be an illegally opened minor/under 18 account.

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Thanks , seem like it ,it been too long so i don't remember , now i have just created a new account but can't add a second (my old email ) to my new account because my old acc get limited and I can't delete my email on that limited acc so how do i change it ?
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



You can only open a new paypal account if paypal give you permission to do so. They don't always if you broke their rules and opened a minor account, so check first or you risk this one being limited as well.


Also you would not be able to use anything linked to the limited account on your new account unfortunately.

Advice is voluntary.
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