Possible Coverup Internally, After 2+ years this is a final attempts. Pick one. FIX OR FEDS.

New Community Member

It started over 2 years ago.  The person who raised me was dying and I had to help them at thier location which was in the middle of no where with no cell service and no internet.  During that year at some point something happened to my account at paypal, that had nothing to do with me.  I say this because I had no access to my account. Only Paypal did.  No one else had access to my account.  I dont save my passwords on computers and I dont write them down.  No one ever knew my login. I dont fall for phishing attempts and i dont click things i recieve in email or any other method.  I work in web3, I stay up to date on security stuff.  Anyways,  My account got messed up some how.   You would think when I found out about it, pay pal would be able to tell me what happened,  how i can fix it or how they will fix it,  what measure I need to take to make sure my data that was breeched can be secured and to find out where it all went.  The industry standard kind of stuff other companies handle wen this type of thing happens to loyal customers of a decade or longer. Not this time.  Pay pal decided they wouldnt tell me a thing.  Wont respond to me except to tell me Its they have made thier decision and its final.  Now heres the problem i have... my data my personal information was taken and pal pay wont tell me how what where or why.  they wont allow me to fix it at that time.  but finally someone responded that was not ai.  a human!  omg there is a human that works at pay pal.  great!  they say sure heres the link to goto a page and access the old account and see what i can fix.  click it takes me to paypal and tells me the account is locked and i cant see or do anything.  i never hear from the human again.  this was using your support communications area on the site so it was secure.  the next person i get or ai, tells me its final its final.. whats final?  the fact that i was hacked, with no way to do so on my end, leaving only pay pal to have the breech of data on your end.  but i digress.  i all but give up on you company. then one day a year later i decide maybe things have changed at pay pal, maybe humans got to work and ai isnt running the show and crapping on good customers still. and poof, i get a new shiny business account again. all looks well. im happy.  fast forward to this past week.  i get the ball rolling with a company in web3 that has a billion dollar market of consumers and fans. great! things are looking up for me here with pay pal.  oh, get an email saying your sending me to collections for an old account i refused to fix.  uhhh NO.  i didnt. paypal refused to after over 20 documented attempts to pay whatever it is you let a acker breech in my old account and run around with it while i was away. even after telling person after person and ai,  no one at pay pal cares.  i mean, federal law should take care of that with data breeches right?  pay pal dont even care about laws now. no reporting of any of this and no sharing with the person whos stuff got jacked by whoever it was.  I am strting to wonder if it was internal, because alot of hush hush type of stuff has happened with it all over the past 2 years. but again i digress.  the new account shiny available ...can run transactions finally! after 2 years of games from pay pal covering up the data breech in violation of federal law.... yay!  5 transactions in......locks me. perma-ban #2.  so...... here i sit with a billion dollar company partnership,  and 5 transactions locked. nothing else will move. i cant access funds i cant do anything.  ai after ai response.  one human and its a canned message.  the one they sit in a living room and hit send cuz they dont have access past the ai to make decisions beyond the 5 emails they are allowed to send out.   THis all sounds crazy doesnt it.  well, its real.  every single  bit of it.  not a single thing here is made up, ive even left out some of the dumb comments paypal has made over the last two years that would make most people even at pay pal question what paypal actually does with data that gets breeched and stolen, if pay pal even cares to handle problems they cause like this, if they follow any federal laws at all, and if pay pal feels it right to shaft a person who has never broke a law in his life, retired and disabled us combat veteran who pay pal has outright thrown to the side because I am too small in the rand scheme of things.  I may never get this solved, ever.  But im a veteran, we are good at plans a-z,  ive had 2 years to learn laws and find my way through all this.  You might not want to help me here, but I will never stop until someone at paypal either fixes what you have done to me over the past two years, or someone answers for it.  So heres your last chance pay pal.  a message on your community board for all to see.  which i will also file into the box of documents i have been building over the past 2+ years during all this.  Lets see if pay pal values its ability to do business in the united states, unreported data breeches shhut some of the largest companies down over night, add coverup to that and i bet the feds would love this box of goodies ive compiled.  i wont hold my breath here.  I also dont need "community help", i need someone above the front line to answer me here or by email. as it stands there has been more fraud thats taken place inside paypal with all this than any hacker could have ever done with my account.  Thanks for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.



-DIsabled/Retired US Combat Veteran

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