Seller sent fake / wrong tracking number

I bought an item off of a website and the seller sent me no information except through PayPal. They had assigned a USPS tracking number to the transaction. When the tracking showed the item got delivered, I received nothing. I contacted USPS and they let me know in writing that the seller gave me a wrong / fake tracking number that's not addressed to me. I dispute it on PayPal and the blind people there said the tracking number shows the item got delivered so I must have received it. Whenever I try to open a new dispute, I don't see any option about the seller sending it to the wrong address. How can I dispute the transaction more clearly so the blind reviewers at PayPal will actually read the email from USPS?
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If youve paid thru Paypal then you can request refund from Paypal. It seems Paypal arent utilising their profits for better service to its customers.
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