Strange charges on my paypal account, does not show funding source


I'm very confused to this and am not sure what to do.   About 4 months ago someone got into my netflix account and added users to it which increased my bill and a month later I caught it.   I cancelled the account.  


Then on July 9th someone somehow re-opened the account, charged my main credit card again, and then netflix refunded me, but not for 1 charge, but for like 15.   I signed into paypal and see that somehow someone was able to make charges from my paypal, though the email used on paypal is different than the one used on netflix, and what is even more odd, is it says "Withdrawal to debit card" and then does not show the funding source, I am so confused.


As seen in the screenshots these withdrawal to debit cards are payments to netflix, and then when you click on the transaction, it does not show a funding source?    How do i find out what the funding source is, and how do I stop this? 




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Esteemed Advisor



Why not cancel your debit card and get a new one from the bank?

Also cancel anything in here......(may have to change it a bit as you have a business account).

Check if you had a subscription set up and cancel it?
Click on the profile tab (icon next to log out) > Click on payments third option along on the thick blue band top of page > "manage pre-approved payments.''

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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