Unable to contact anyone re fraud!


How can i report and get back a fraudulent payment if the Resolution Center does not work and there is no email or telephone number?

Being trying for hours but no results

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Hello @woody601  

Welcome to the PayPal Help Community and thanks for posting here!

I do understand your concern regarding the fraudulent payment from your PayPal account. The security of your account is extremely important to us. PayPal has an extensive system of security protocols and controls in place to ensure a protected system for it's users. If you feel that an unauthorized party is trying to access you account and is in possession of your personal data or you suspect a fraudulent activity and transaction, call us immediately and report it to our team. We can temporarily freeze your account while we investigate the incident. You can reach out to our Customer Support Team by accessing the link given www.paypal.com/cshelp/contact-us .

Hope this information helps,

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Thank you so much.

Unfortunately that information/detail about phone contact was not available to me in Ireland.

Eventually, using AI, I was able to get a number and after 2 transfers, get to the right person.

However please look at your Resolution Cenyer as it was not working for many hours (and may still not be for all I know). I am 83 with a heart condition, and this has caused a LOT of anxiety and stress.


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