Unauthorized reaccuring payments to Stripey Giraffe.

Some how this company who I found out is fraudulent put a reacccuring payment on my account to pay them. This was not set up by me. I noticed the unauthorized payment to them and started a dispute. After it happened. Don’t know how they got into my account to do this . Has to be an inside job.
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Hello @Gutzdesigns209,


Welcome to the PayPal Community Forum! 


We are sorry to hear about the unrecognized transaction made from your PayPal account. Kindly check for any recurring payment/subscription you have set. You can find the automatic payments also called as subscriptions details on the PayPal website by following the below mentioned steps:   

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Click Payments.
  3. Select Automatic payments.
  4. Select the merchant.

You can cancel the automatic payment on this page. Kindly refer the help centre article to know more about What is an automatic payment and how do I update or cancel one?. If you think there has been unauthorised use on your account, here is some help: How do I report an unauthorized transaction or account activity? 


You can also reach out to our customer support team to know what can be done next or to get an understanding of the possible solution to the issue raised. Please reach out to the Support Team during business hours by clicking the Contact option at the bottom of PayPal page.


Hope this information is helpful for your!


Warm Regards,


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