Urgent Issue with PayPal Account Verification - Seeking Community Assistance


Dear Community Members,


I'm currently facing a critical issue with verifying my PayPal account and I'm reaching out here for assistance as I'm experiencing significant difficulties in obtaining proper support from the company.


A few months ago, I received a request from PayPal to submit documents for the verification of my business account. In response, I submitted the Certificate of Registration issued by the NGO Board of Kenya, which contains all the requested information, including the company name and registration number.


However, to my surprise, I received feedback indicating that the submitted document was missing essential information, specifically the company name and registration number.


Rejection reasonsRejection reasons


Strangely, these details are clearly present in the document I submitted. The problem becomes even more frustrating due to the difficulty in obtaining proper support from PayPal. Despite attempting to reach out through the support chat, I haven't received satisfactory responses or clarifications on why the document was rejected. Additionally, it seems there is no option for email contact to address more complex issues.


I've decided to publicly attach the document that was rejected by PayPal so that everyone can clearly see the presence of the information they claim is missing. I would like to ask the community to review the document and provide feedback on whether the information is indeed present or if there is something I'm missing.

Captura de tela 2024-02-27 093253.png

Taxpayer profile confirming the information


Furthermore, I would like to inquire if anyone else is experiencing similar issues with PayPal account verification or if this is an exclusive issue to my situation.


Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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Issued solved by the PayPal team.

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