possible neg balance



This was not a smart thing to do, but I purchased 2 items on 12/16/2011 and paid via Paypal.  I thought everything was cool and the money was already deducted from my bank acct (I have a $0 Paypal balance) which had plenty of money to cover the purchases on 12/16/2011.  I then went christmas shopping and spent quite a bit of money at the mall, not leaving enough money in my bank for the previouly mentioned 2 purchases.  Please keep in mind I thought the money had been taken out of my bank already.  I then checked my bank activity to see the damage I had done at the mall and I then realized the online purchases have NOT been deducted from my bank.  So I am kind of freaking out because I need to know if Paypal will overdraft my bank acct while trying to get sufficent funds? It seems PP doesn't charge my bank until the order has shipped.  So does that mean I will still get the items?  Also, PP says the ammounts have been automatically pulled from the bank on 12/16/2011 and the payment staus is verified.... but my bank has NOT been charged yet.

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