Shipping options aren't listed during checkout


Hi. This is my first time posting in here, and I am in need of some help.


I own my own pastry business and I have recently built my own website with Yola and have intergrated PayPal checkout, I have a business account etc...


I went through and set up a few shipping options through PayPal under the shipping calculations section. They are not being shown as an option during checkout when someone orders, although when I looked they all said "Active." I have just done it by amount anything 0.01 and up is $10.00 shipping in the US. What does show to my customers is a place to enter their zip for shipping calculations and when they enter their zip code no matter what zip it is, it says $0.00 and they are not charged shipping.


Is it something I'm missing? It has to be. I am pretty smart when it comes to computers and websites and all that, but this problem has me stumped because I have been over and over and can't figure it out. I even went through the check out process myself and it never showed me the shipping options. I only have 3 (store pick up, UPS Ground & Free Shipping).



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