Why is Bermuda not recognized yet

This post is specific request for PayPal to finally get ***Bermuda*** authenticated for ***Bank Link Authorization***. Bermuda is known for shopping via PayPal. Why is Bermuda waiting to be authorized to link our U.S bank accounts? I was told by an agent that it’s possible, than I try to link my US account with US routing number and it’s not working! I want my money I receive transferred. Why is Bermuda not recognized yet after all these years of Bermuda utilizing PayPal from the early days? Why PayPal? It’s long overdue!
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

Not helpful. Hence me posting on here. Efforts of someone who can actually answer my questions. So for whom can actually answer upon seeing this. Question rephrased to: “When will Bermuda be authorized for bank linking to that we can receive our payments via paypal?” Bermuda has been supporting Paypal since early days and I have asked this same question through out the years which is about 10 years or so without exaggeration. Every time I ask I get the same vague answer which is: “Paypal is working on getting Bermuda recognized along with others.” 10 years later, that’s an obvious lie. Again, looking forward to someone who can provide an affirmative answer to my question. Thanks 🙂
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



How is anyone on here going to know the answer to that question?? We don't have a crystal ball or the powers of telepathy.

Only customer services would know the answer to that one WHEN it happens as they are not responsible for policy changes.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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