Amount deducted twice while doing payment, will i get refund??

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Amount deducted twice while doing payment, but order placed only once will i get refund?? I'm seeing only 1 record of transaction in paypal account also. Please help
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Hello @saisravanthi682,



Welcome to the PayPal Community! 


I know it would be concerning to find two payments deducted from your account. I'm sorry for the trouble! Are you seeing two debits out of your bank account or card? If so, it's possible that you are seeing an authorization for the charge and the official completed charge. Once you complete your purchase and the merchant ships your goods, the pending authorization should naturally fall off. The official payment will be what is withdrawn from your specified bank or card. It sounds like the merchant was able to finalize the order quickly. If your payment reads as Completed, you should only have one official charge and the additional transaction for the authorization will void out. Let's say you were actually charged for two transactions, you would simply file a dispute for a Billing Issue. That way we can help you look into getting the duplicate charge refunded.


I hope this information proves helpful!


Thank you,

- Schae 

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