Been Getting This Error For Past 1-2 Weeks

New Community Member
For the past 1-2 weeks almost every time i try to send someone money I get the error “Sorry, we weren't able to complete your payment at this time. Please try again later.” I call paypal who tells me there is no limitations on my account and even removed the “security block” but it still isn’t letting me send money. Im trying to send from my balance. What is going on??
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Hi @CharlesAustin15,


Welcome to the PayPal Community and thank you for your post!


I am sorry to hear you are having issues sending a payment. I know this must be concerning. It sounds like you may be having issues with our internal security system when trying to send a payment. 


I would suggest you clear your cache and cookies, or try again using an alternative browser. Sometimes the system just needs time to reset. 

I would also advise you to make sure your PayPal account is verified. Unverified accounts can run into issues with our security system more often. To verify your account, simply follow the steps here


I hope this helps!

- Rachel 


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