Money Received Pending [Why is it on pending?]

New Community Member

Why is it on Pending? Usually when the same person sent me payments it'd be instant. And is there a way to get my money as soon as possible?

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New Community Member
Why money Receibe pending too.
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Hello @ForsakenNetwork, thank you for posting,


If your money is pending, the payment sent to you may have been sent as an eCheque. An eCheque is an electronic payment funded by the buyer’s bank account. It may take up to 7 business days for an eCheque to clear, but in some cases, it may take longer. If you have received an eCheque payment, note that the transaction will show 'Pending' under your Summary page. Once you click the transaction, you'll be able to see the expected payment clearing date. However, this date is only an indication as clearing timeframes may vary depending on the bank.


If you are receiving money for a sale, we advise you not to post any items or provide any services until the eCheque clears and payment shows as 'Completed' in your PayPal account.


If an issue persists, for safety and security, please contact our customer support team via Facebook -, Twitter - @AskPayPal, chat or phone.


I hope this helps,


- Sean

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