Can't get refund from accidentally bought Zoom service through Google play and PayPal

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As missed free trial cancel deadline, I accidentally subscribed Zoom's annual service by Google play and chose PayPal as payment method. When I contacted Zoom, they said because I chose payment method other than credit card, they can't refund me directly. Since 2/13 I requested refund from PayPal and Google play, Google replied that because I opened refund request on PayPal side, they can't do anything and want me to follow up with PayPal. But until yesterday 3/8 PayPal just replied they are "waiting for seller's response" the seller they listed is Google Not Zoom. So, this morning, I tried to contact Google again, the real person chat support just told me Google is just a "money processor" not seller and said Google has no obligation to contact PayPal, I have to chase PayPal by myself! Now, obviously, l am being kicking around by Zoom, google and PayPal. I have no way but post my case around to seeking for help or suggestions
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