Chargeback - Seller Protection




I received payment from a buyer through PayPal. 


The screen said that I was Eligible for Seller Protection. Two conditions were listed: 'Eligible when you....Send to the address on this page and Save your tracking or delivery information. No caveats mentioned.


Thinking that I was protected I did as required, posted to the exact address given and kept full tracking details. I have proof of delivery with signature and Parceltogo / USPS have both investigated and confirmed delivery.  


The buyer pretty much straight away claimed a chargeback which was upheld by the bank I presume. At that point Paypal decided that my seller protection didn't count. 


I've been completely misled, I was told I was covered by Seller protection, which is why I felt it safe to post the item. At no stage was I advised that this might not be the case.


I've updated the case with further delivery confirmation from USPS but had no response from PayPal. How do I submit a complaint?








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Seller protection has terms and conditions the same as Buyer protection has.

Did you take the time to read the short section on it in paypals user agreement.

My insurance company covers me for accidental damage but that does not mean 100% as there are terms and conditions attached to it.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Seller protection was marked as Eligible, 'Seller protection eligible when you...' subject to two qualifing conditions.


It didn't say Seller protection 'may' be eligible or asterix to a footnote or subject to T&Cs.


The short section in the user agreement doesn't alter the fact that it stated eligible. 





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Esteemed Advisor
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They mean the ''transaction'' was eligible for seller protection ie the buyer paid using goods/services etc, doesn't mean you are covered 100% for everything.

Advice is voluntary.
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It says quite clearly eligible for seller protection subject to these two conditions being met. If you state one thing but mean something else then it’s misleading, which takes us back to my original post.
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Esteemed Advisor



If you were right you would have had a refund, it I am right then you would not be covered...end of really.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Anybody can read or provide links from the PayPal website. It doesn’t mean that the content there is not to be challenged because it's misleading. I haven’t complained yet, my question was how to do so. Can you at least help with an email address? I need to submit screenshots. Thanks
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