Closed my account and PayPal charged me instead of paying me the money I had in the account

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Can someone please explain how to get help in this issue? 10 or more years ago, while I was living in the US, I opened a PayPal account which I rarely used. Yeeeears later I move to the UK and this spring, I was making a purchase which only let me use PayPal. But when I log in and try to update my debit card details, it won't let me add a UK bank card. I have to close my account and then create an account to use it in the UK. To close my account, I have to withdraw any remaining money or balances. I had some money in the Crypto wallet thing so I withdraw it to my bank account and close the account. Then I see on my bank account that PayPal, rather than sending me my money, charged me the amount instead. Now I can't get in touch with them to complain and get it sorted. I reopen an account in the UK but because the transactions aren't there on this new account (in the UK) I can't report it as an issue. I can't call US numbers. There's literally no form anywhere for me to fill out because everything needs to be linked to a specific purchase. PayPal owes me the money it charged me + the original amount remaining in my wallet that I was supposed to get and I have no idea how to resolve this. They're very adamant that the US and UK platforms are different companies so they are separate and can't help about issues with the other.... I'm infuriated.
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