Help about transferring your money from card to your paypal account


No one seemed to have asked this before, but is it possible to transfer money from your card to your paypal account? i have a business account and i'm trying to transfer it from my card to my account

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Esteemed Advisor


As you haven't added your country to your profile (so we can see when we hover over your username) or said in your post which country you are in so unfortunately its hard for us to advise.
Paypal varies a great deal country to country so you need to tell us where you are on this worldwide community forum.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Hello! I apologies about that, i'm from romania.

This might sound dumb but i have a question, if it is ok to ask: is this transfer money from your card to paypal account feature only available to certain countries?


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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Most paypal features vary tremendously country to country.

As for adding funds in Romania I think you may be able to add funds via a linked and confirmed bank account but not a card unfortunately.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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