Partner fees Discogs


Hallo and good day to you. 

I made a sale on discogs and noticed a difference in partner fees between discogs and paypal. Why there is this big difference. It seems that Discogs calculates the partner fees differently from PayPal. I know that for Greece the PayPal fee is 4.4% + 0.35€ according the PayPal site but in my case the partner fees are much more. I would like to know, how the partner fees have been calculated.

I have send you tow fotos one from discogs and the other is from PayPal fees explain. 

Thank you in advance. 


Discogs fees explainDiscogs fees explain


Paypal fees explainPaypal fees explain


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Hello and thank you for the quick response. 

The discogs fees are clear to me contrary to PayPal fees that aren't.  And I explain,  discogs charges me 9% fee( 35,7 × 9% = 3,21€) this is clear to me.  PayPal charges m[Removed. Phone #s not permitted] + 0,35€ = 1,56) this is also clear to me .

What I don't understand is the partner fees and why the amount is different.  Discogs charges me 3,21€ and PayPal charges me partner fee[Removed. Phone #s not permitted]77€) there is 0,77€ difference and I would like to know why I have been charged this (0,77€) extra amount. 

Thank you in advance. 

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Sorry but PayPal remove my calculations as a phone number (crazy) so I post the last paragraph again. 

What I don't understand is the partner fees and why the amount is different.  Discogs charges me 3,21€ and PayPal charges me partner fee 3,98€ there is 0,77€ difference and I would like to know why I have been charged this (0,77€) extra amount. 

3,98€ - 3,21€ = 0,77€

Thank you in advance. 

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