PayPal sent payment to wrong email address.


At a friend's request, I used PayPal to send her a payment in pounds (I'm in the US).  I had put in the email address that I normally use for her, which is where it should have gone, but PayPal sent it to a different email—also hers, but one that she only uses for dollars.  It's unclaimed so far, and she's asked me to cancel it and resend it to the correct address.  It was a Friends and Family payment, and I can't figure out how to cancel it.

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You can only use the cancel option if its showing and its only showing if the email address you sent the funds to is non -existent like one with a spelling error that does not exist and so can't complete.

If its showing as unclaimed withOUT a cancel option then it will time out at 30 days post sending. 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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