Refund and conversion rate



Hi there,

I made two purchases using PayPal on May 1, 2024, and May 21, 2024. The product prices were $979.91 and $2,831.82. PayPal used my Mastercard as a backup payment method for these two transactions. I had no option to select any conversion rate at the time of these charges.


As a result, I was charged ¥21,428.62 CNY and ¥7,376.68 CNY, with PayPal automatically selecting a conversion rate of 1 USD = 7.6 CNY.


The two cameras I pre-ordered were out of stock, so I requested refunds. The refunds were issued on May 31 and May 9 for the full amounts of $979.91 and $2,831.82. However, I only received ¥19,905.71 CNY and ¥6,864.60 CNY back. (1 USD = 7.0053 CNY).


This discrepancy means I have lost approximately ¥2,035.99 CNY (around $280) due to these refunds.

What can I do to resolve this issue and recover my lost funds?





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