Why dose Paypal take fees on a refund that's going to another Paypal account


Why dose Paypal take fees on a refund that's going to another Paypal account

Discogs refund the full amount but by the time it hits customers Paypal account Paypal has deducted fees

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Hello @sheredfoxx6 


Thanks for posting your inquiry in the PayPal Help Community!


I understand your concern about the fees on the refunded transaction. There's no fees to issue or receive refund from PayPal. If your payment involved a currency conversion, the refund amount may differ from the original payment amount due to fluctuations in currency conversion rates. The conversion rate at the time of the refund may differ from the conversion rate from the time of the original payment. Due to this, the refunded amount may not be the same as the original payment amount.


I hope this information helps, have a great day!


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But these refunds have not been o.s transactions.?
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Hello @sheredfoxx6


Welcome back! If the currency conversion was not the source of the price discrepancy or additional fee, it may be due to the merchant sending you a payment instead of a refund. Otherwise, it is correct that PayPal does not charge a fee for a refund. You may want to reach out to our Customer Support teams for further review. 


Best wishes, 


 - Jon K

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