how do I access payouts from game apps?


Ive recieved 9.24 ERO from a game app but I have no Idea how to access it any help please???

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I totally agree, however it wasn't always this way.  As of July 11th I had been playing for three years.   I have been fortunate enough to win some very large amounts through them; and I had always had my winnings in my Paypal account within an hour or two the longest.  Starting in around April this year (2018) I had noticed my winning deposits were taking a bit longer.  Three hours, four hours.  When I'd contact their customer service they'd always reply the same thing "we are extremely busy".  Okay well I accepted that, but the wait time progressively got longer, and longer.  In about April Chumba was purchased by another company, and that is when all the problems started. Payment of winnings were just taking too long now (over 48 hours); but the last straw for me, and hundreds of other players, was when we were told they would no longer use Paypal (red flags went up), and they were changing to another banking company.  So this new company is a foreign company without a good reputation.   They will only take charge cards or debit cards, however nobody in the US has been able to do this as their banks have been declining the cards to protect them.  Then I looked up what this new place requires to cash out a win.  Well they want a copy of a current bank statement listing your bank account number etc. etc.  Also birth certificate, or driver's license with photo id.  No way in H would I ever-ever blindly share any of this information with anybody on line; let alone a foreign company with a bad rep.  I will only use companies that use Paypal to protect myself from identity theft.  Any way long story short I hope you get your money!!!  The way it is now, and considering they don't take Paypal any more, they have been basically telling people they have to turn over the above mentioned personal information to get paid.  All I can say is STAY AWAY; AND NEVER-EVER-EVER GIVE OUT YOUR PERSONAL INFO TO ANYBODY!!!!!

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That company they switched to (WorldPay) is the same company that was responding to my credit card disputes back in 2017 BEFORE Chumba switched to them.  I even asked Chumba who WorldPay was and why is another credit card processor responding to my credit card disputes and not them (VGW Holdings).  Chumba played stupid as if they had no clue who this company was and told me that PayPal was the only credit card processor they were dealing with and that PayPal would have to answer my question.

I believe the switch came because of all the disputes that Chumba had against them.  I will fight this until I die.  They scammed the wrong person.

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@plight72 I can't find your group on Facebook, I would like to talk to you about your CC disputes. I had something similar happen to me how can I contact you? 

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@d22so the group is Chumba Casino Issues on FB.. If the questions are not completed, you will not get access to the site.  It's for people that were scammed by this company.  If you search for the name "Chumba Casino Issues" on FB, you should see choices along the top part (All, posts, people, etc.).  You want to click on "Groups" and you should see two groupls.  Mine and one that is named "People with Chumba Casino Issues".  Hope you find it and I hope they didn't get you really bad as they did me.

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@plight72 I've searched for the group and page "Chumba Casino Issues" multiple times on Facebook and it's not showing up. Are you sure they haven't taken it down? Or is it possible it's been made private so it's not showing up? 


I'd like to know what your dispute process was like with the credit card company not PayPal? Did they respond to your disputes? What evidence did you show and what did they (world pay) show? And did you win? 

They put about 7k worth of duplicate charges on my card. 



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@d22so  I did get most back but still a lot of issues coming from this casino.  It's a long process to explain over this channel.

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Hi I was wondering if we could connect on this? I'm probably going to be doing a large amount of chargebacks on my credit card related to Chumba and was wondering about your experience

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Although they take days to pay me out, I still love playing and will continue. You need to be patient. I have direct deposit to my bank account and don’t think you need to submit birth certificate. I mean you probably needed to ask why they are asking you for such things. I have not had one bad experience with them even after they switched to world pay.
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Its rigged they just haven't got you yet But they will.

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They ask for your email with a payout and they ask for a diamond number what is that

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