I can't link my card to my account but it works on other accounts. HELP


I can't connect my card to my Paypal account. It made me confused because i have an former account and i tried to link it both in my phone and PC but it doesn't work. I also tried creating a new account but i tried linking it again it doesn't work. I tried to link it in an family member's account it worked! Why did it worked for him? What am i doing wrong? I already added my passport, my bank, profile picture, my phone, right billing adress but it still doesn't work.

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I also tried it multiple times but it still doesn't work

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Hello @Franklin07,


Welcome to our community help forum and thank you for your post!


Sorry to hear that you're not able to link your card to your PayPal account. If you’re experiencing trouble adding a card to your PayPal account, the most likely reason for why you’re receiving an error is because the information on your PayPal account doesn’t match the information on file with the card-issuing bank. Any small discrepancy in a name, address, or anything else can cause the card to be rejected. If you’re sure that the information matches and still getting the error, it could be because of our security system. If there has been too many attempts in a row, sometimes our security system may decline/block certain activity if it detects any risk. I would recommend you to try again at a later date by clearing cache/cookies and also try using a different browser/device. If the problem persists, I would recommend you to try to add a different card. 


Please note that you cannot link your card registered in your name to your family member's account. Multiple attempts in different accounts may block the card in PayPal system. 


I hope this information helps!


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How do i fix this then? I only have 1 card... please give me alternatives... I contacted my bank(ASB) in regards to the issue and it says there are no problems within the card.

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Hello @Franklin07,

Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!

I am sorry to know that you are having trouble adding a card. It is possible that our security system is not letting this transaction go through. Some unusual account activity would have triggered this. This is only temporary. Our internal security system works hard to keep our customer's accounts safe. This is just a security measure that we take to make sure the account is safe. I would suggest you try again at a later time after clearing the cache and cookies or try using a different browser or device. Please make sure you are logging from a secure location and avoid using any VPNs or Proxy Servers. Please do not try to attempt these actions simultaneously, as our security system will get triggered and the clock will start from zero, from the time of the next attempt. Here's the help center article to know Why can’t you link a card to a PayPal account. If the issue, persists, you may have to try to request a different card and try that. If not, you can contact our customer support team through the available contact options on our website.

Good Luck,



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Your ChaatGPT does not have enough prompts to solve this issue. I tried it, but Chat didn't provide proper help. Nor, it redirects to the Human help center.

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