Can't contact Customer Support

New Community Member
Hello all, So my situation, I wanted to add my IBAN to link my bank, but some holy way someone or some account or something else has my IBAN, I get the error of that it is already on an account. So I tried to contact the support here, but apparently they're braindead bots that literally give 'help' on a topic that has NOTHING to do with it. It took me HALF an hour trying to get my message out, I have no way to contact the goddamn support so please please, give me an ACTUAL email that I can use where ONE person is assigned to my case and who has the f*cking braincells to fix it (just let me proof I own the IBAN and this account so they can remove it and I can add my goddamn IBAN. HOW. HARD. CAN. IT. BE. TO. CONTACT. A. GODDAMN. SUPPORT. TEAM. HUMAN. I haven't created my account for less then 2 hours and I already regret this.... Please for my sanity let me talk to a human on the support team with the tools to help me! Thanks in advance, Regards.
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