Confirming card issue swedbank sweden

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I can't confirm my new card. PayPal asks to confirm card with bank id. I do not have bank id, swedbank allows me to confirm my choices/purchases by security token or SMS security password. I did use PayPal with old card, was no issue with that. Don't understand why cant use it with new card.
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Hello @paulinalipnicka,


Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. 


We are sorry to hear that you're experiencing an issue confirming your card. we understand how frustrating this can be. We kindly suggest reaching out to our customer support team to explore the next steps or possible solution. You can contact the support team during business hours by clicking the Contact option at the bottom of PayPal page.


You can also refer the help centre article How do I confirm my credit or debit card with PayPal? to know the details on confirming the card 


Hope this helps you in resolving your issue!


Warm Regards,


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