Paypal withdrew money 3 times from my Bank

Hello, so. I was minus 155euro in PayPal. And they decided to withdraw 3 times 177.70 euros from my Bank, and the most ridiculous thing is I'm still negative and the balance haven't updated I'm on a new country and they just took all my money How can I fix this, they don't answer in Calls, Mails or Messages
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Esteemed Advisor
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You have a Greek paypal account so are you still in Greece or have you moved? 

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Hello and good day, I lefted Greece and now I'm in Netherlands, I don't have the ability to call them, as such call costs a lot and they already took 550 euros from me (literally all I had, I have been left with a single digit number euros available, and I'm in a whole new country with 0 help or connections or anyone to lend me till this matter with PayPal is solved but yea my PayPal is considered greek This is just straight up bullying Wish I could just upload the pictures here so everyone could see how messed up this is.
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Paypal is country specific so if you move countries you have to close your old Paypal account and open a new Paypal account registered in the country where you now live. You would then need to add an address / phone number / bank accounts / cards from within that country.

You should really withdraw any funds / resolve issues / remove cards and bank accounts / cancel any subscriptions and close the old Paypal account before you move countries. If you don't then you may have problems doing so once you have moved and may need to contact customer services for help to resolve things.

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I know and that's the plan trust me, the. Moment I get my money returned I'll close and never ever return to use PayPal.
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



My point is, you may not get your funds from your paypal account if you have already moved as paypal is country specific.

You should have withdrawn the funds and closed your paypal account BEFORE moving.

Advice is voluntary.
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Oh trust me, I will take all my funds back
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Go ahead then. Thought you were posting because you couldn't withdraw them?

Advice is voluntary.
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A game withdrew 10.00 3 times from my bank via PayPal and need to know which game this was I did not authorize
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