Peter Thiel's Artificial Libertarian Islands - Future Independent Countries!

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Caught this article on Yahoo! News.
Founder of PayPal (Peter Thiel) has a great idea, first off.. Because rather you believe in God and think the world is coming to an end, Or just a non beliver of God - You can see the future economy crash and presidential fall/one world gov coming very soon for us United States citizens.  I have posted the article below, very interesting.

My Understanding:

It will be bringing back "The Old Days" restarting independent laws, min. gun restrictions for our family protection, no welfare..   In my case, no welfar may be a bad thing, but it'd definately help the human race and help us survive longer. As a Bible believer, I think this counters the "Mark of The Beast" and may be a last hope for survival & freedom.

My Questions:
How do we contribute?
How do we move our a**'s down there now, and when?
What are your opinions?


Goodie Goodie..  Take Off, let's see opinions and thoughts in the Watercooler.


The Original Article:

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Everyone has their idea of Utopia and Peter Thiel's ideals are most likely not the same as yours.  This is why all Utopia ideas ultimately fail.  The reason why capitalism fails is exemplified so clearly in the collateral damage that PayPal does to very small businesses by holding their funds hostage for far too long under the auspice of preventing fraud.

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Thank you for the response, I understand.

I posted here to share and basically start a small debate/opinions, very interesting in any way you look at it though.

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Frequent Contributor

@ColKnowBubble wrote:

  The reason why capitalism fails is exemplified so clearly in the collateral damage that PayPal does to very small businesses by holding their funds hostage for far too long under the auspice of preventing fraud.

Well said.


May I suggest some reading.  Walden by Henry David Thoreau

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