Jean_No has earned 6 badges!
Your PayPal AnniversaryOct-20-2020Earned by 2,913,251It's been one year since you joined us, thank you!
Your 3rd PayPal AnniversaryOct-20-2020Earned by 1,312,860It's been three years since you joined us, thank you!
ActiveJul-31-2018Earned by 1,014,472The first topic is always the hardest. Thanks for your participation!
GivingJul-31-2018Earned by 204,926You've given someone a kudo! Thanks!
Ice BreakerJul-31-2018Earned by 476,6211st Reply achieved! Well done!
The ReturnJul-31-2018Earned by 1,482,573Welcome back! We're happy to see you again!